Floor Stand Warning Open Pit

Floor Stand Warning Open Pit


Our yellow safety floor stands are an excellent product that can improve the safety of your workplace. These safety stands are made from high-quality, durable materials that can withstand daily wear and tear. They are bright yellow in colour, making them highly visible to anyone passing by. The stands are easy to assemble and use. Simply place them in any high-risk areas, such as entrances, exits, and areas with wet floors or spills. The stands have a wide, stable base that makes them difficult to knock over. All our prices include Free delivery

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Yellow A frame floor signs with graphics designed for vehicle workshops and general use, black, red or black and red vinyl lettering, hard wearing wipe clean. Easy storage for quick display giving clear warning to all staff and visitors.


ELECTRIC/Hybrid Vehicle Warning Floor Stand

Floor Stand Do Not Use This Equipment

Floor Stand Do Not Use This Equipment

Floor Stand Danger Explosive Area

Floor Stand Danger Explosive Area


Hybrid Electric Vehicle Warning Kit

Floor Stand Hose Pipe Trip & Slip Hazzard

Floor Stand Hose Pipe Trip & Slip Hazzard
